Putin Addresses BRICS Parliamentary Forum Plenary Session

The forum is held at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia. It is attended by around 400 delegates from the BRICS+ countries and the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly member states (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan).
Sputnik Africa is live as Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the 10th BRICS Parliamentary Forum plenary session.

The BRICS Parliamentary Forum, which takes place in St. Petersburg from July 11 to 12, facilitates conversations among legislators from the BRICS countries, which until 2024 were Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but now include Egypt, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia.
The forum's major focus is "The role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security." Political, security, economic, financial, and humanitarian issues are among the topics covered on the agenda.
The most recent BRICS Parliamentary Forum was held in Johannesburg on September 27-28, 2023, and was attended by more than 250 legislators, including delegations from the five BRICS countries plus representatives from Egypt, Iran, and the UAE.