Terrorist Attacks in Russia's Dagestan: Six Militants Eliminated, At Least 15 Policemen Killed

© SputnikTerrorist attack in Russia's region of Dagestan
Terrorist attack in Russia's region of Dagestan - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.06.2024
On Sunday, unknown persons fired automatic weapons at a synagogue and a church in Derbent, located in Russia's region of Dagestan. In a separate development in Makhachkala, Dagestan's capital, unknown persons opened fire on a traffic police post in the street. Attacks on religious objects were also reported in the city.
Six militants were eliminated, and over 15 policemen and several civilians were killed as a result of terrorist attacks in Russia's region of Dagestan on Sunday, according to a Sputnik source.
Security forces are working on the scene, and small arms and ammunition have been seized, the Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee said.
The search for the perpetrators' accomplices continues in the region. Three days of mourning have been declared in Dagestan, June 24-26.
Regional Governor Melikov believes that the terrorists were trained "also from abroad." The families of all the dead and wounded will receive material aid.
The leaders of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan expressed their condolences and condemned the attacks.
On Sunday, a priest at a church in Derbent and a security guard at the church in Makhachkala were also killed, the deputy chairman of the public monitoring commission of Dagestan said.