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French Group Orano Has Been 'Playing Dilatory Tactics With People of Niger,' Nigerien Activist Says

Orano  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.06.2024
Earlier, Niger withdrew the operating license for its large uranium mine from French group Orano, the company said in a press release.
French nuclear company Orano has been "playing dilatory tactics with the people of Niger," Nigerien activist Aissami Tchiroma Mahamadou told Sputnik.
Niamey's decision to withdraw the operating license for the Imouraren uranium deposit is therefore natural and to be welcomed, he said.
Mahamadou pointed out that the French group has held this permit "for more than a decade" without ever starting to exploit it. It has even failed to present a satisfactory operating plan to the authorities, he added.

"Despite this, the Nigerien government has been patient," he stressed.

French nuclear company Orano - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.06.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger Withdraws Operating License for Its Uranium Mine From French Group Orano
As for the future of the deposit, whose reserves are estimated at 200,000 tonnes, he is confident that the authorities will make the right choice regarding its eventual operator.
"They will really study the whole dossier and choose a company that will offer the most, that will offer an exploitation plan that will be the most profitable for the population of Niger in general, but also for the population and the communities around the city in particular," the activist concluded.
In early June, Niamey reminded Orano that it had until June 19 to resume work; otherwise, it would lose the right to operate the mine.