Sub-Saharan Africa
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Somali Military Reportedly Eliminates 47 Al-Shabaab Militants

© AP Photo / Farah Abdi WarsamehIn this file photo of Thursday Oct.21, 2010, Al-Shabaab fighters display weapons as they conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu, Somalia
In this file photo of Thursday Oct.21, 2010, Al-Shabaab fighters display weapons as they conduct military exercises in northern Mogadishu, Somalia - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 09.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Somali Information Ministry said that the country’s armed forces eliminated 47 militants of the radical al-Shabaab* terrorist group in the province of Galguduud in the central part of the country, Somali news portal Mogadishu24 reported.
The ministry added that five Somali soldiers were killed during the operation, the report said on Saturday.
Al-Shabaab is a Somalia-based jihadist militant group linked to the al-Qaeda* terrorist group. It wages armed resistance against the Somali government and obstructs UN humanitarian missions in the country.
* Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries.