Sub-Saharan Africa
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South Africa's Defense Minister Calls for Orderly Political Conduct Ahead of Election Results

CC BY 2.0 / Flickr/GovernmentZA / Defense and Military Veterans Minister Thandi Modise, South Africa
Defense and Military Veterans Minister Thandi Modise, South Africa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.06.2024
On Saturday, the office of the country's president announced that a ceremony to announce the final results of this week's general elections by the South African Electoral Commission would be held on Sunday evening.
South Africa's Defense Minister, Thandi Modise, urged political parties and activists to follow the law and maintain public order ahead of the official election results announcement.
Modise didn't comment on former President Jacob Zuma's claim that the results of Wednesday's election should not be announced because of alleged unrest. Earlier in the day, the leader of the uMkhonto weSizwe Party, Zuma, warned the audience about potential unrest should the findings remain public.
On Sunday evening, the chairman of the country's Independent Electoral Commission, Mosotho Moepya, announced that the ANC had won 159 seats in the National Assembly (lower house of parliament) out of 400, which means it didn't receive a parliamentary majority.
The ANC is followed by the Democratic Alliance party with 87 parliamentary seats, the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party with 58 seats, and the Economic Freedom Fighters party with 39 seats. The remaining parliamentary seats were received by 14 other parties.
At the same time, the ANC managed to maintain a majority in five out of nine provincial legislative councils.
The elections' turnout was 58.63%, with 16.2 million of the 27.7 million registered voters casting ballots.
Former president and now leader of the MK Party, Jacob Zuma, looks on at the Results Operation Centre (ROC) in Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Saturday, June 1, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.06.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
Former South African President Urges Electoral Commission Not to Announce Election Results
The South African Justice Center spokesperson stated that security personnel are prepared to deal with infringers. During the election, 31 criminal cases were opened, and 90 people were arrested.
To ensure electoral security, President Cyril Ramaposa dispatched military personnel. The ANC, which has been in power for 30 years, lost its parliamentary majority after processing nearly all the votes, with a gain of 40.19%.

In the elections, seventy parties and independent candidates took part. There will be a new National Assembly as well as provincial legislatures in each of the nine provinces. The future president of the republic will be chosen by the National Assembly. Cyril Ramaphosa is the ANC's nominee for the upcoming presidential term.