Sub-Saharan Africa
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South Africa's Ramaphosa 'Deeply Saddened' by Iran's President Raisi Death

© AP Photo / Hajarah NalwaddaIran's President Ebrahim Raisi speaks at a joint press conference after meeting with Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni at State House in Entebbe, Uganda Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi speaks at a joint press conference after meeting with Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni at State House in Entebbe, Uganda Wednesday, July 12, 2023. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 20.05.2024
South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa, who recently invited Iran to join the BRICS group, expressed deep regret Monday over the death of President Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.
"This is an extraordinary, unthinkable tragedy that has claimed a remarkable leader of a nation with whom South Africa enjoys strong bilateral relations," Ramaphosa said.
Ramaphosa visited Iran as deputy president in 2015 and in 2023 welcomed Raisi to a summit of the BRICS group in Johannesburg, where the Islamic republic was formally invited to join.
Iran became a full member of the intergovernmental forum in January, along with Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates.