Armed Clashes in Sudan
On 15 April 2023, armed clashes between the Rapid Support Forces and the regular army in the Sudanese capital Khartoum were reported. Later, the fighting between the military forces spread to other Sudanese regions.

'They Are Just Waiting to Die': How World Turns Blind Eye to Death of Civilians in Sudan From Hunger

© Sputnik . Ahmed AbdelwahabEl Fasher, Darfur, Sudan.
El Fasher, Darfur, Sudan. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 17.05.2024
The city of El Fasher, the capital of the Darfur region, is experiencing extremely difficult humanitarian conditions after being besieged by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and cut off from services, water, and food.
Sudan is facing a dire humanitarian situation due to clashes between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces, but the world continues to ignore the situation, Nidal Mahdi, media relations coordinator for the Sudanese Civic Organizations in Darfur, told Sputnik.

“In El Fasher, people are afraid to go out. For days, families with children sit at home and are frozen with fear. There are interruptions in the supply of electricity, water, food. They are just waiting to die. And the international media and the entire world community are silent, as if nothing is happening. The UN passes resolutions, but they are not implemented. This is a shameful stain on the history of mankind,” Mahdi told Sputnik.

In some areas, famine is forcing people to eat tree leaves.

“Real famine began in the regions. In the regions of Serba and Morni, people eat tree leaves. The humanitarian aid received was not enough for several weeks. We really ask international organizations to help people in Darfur. Of course, the situation is the worst in El Fasher, there is hunger, thirst, disease, shelling and the risk of large-scale fighting,” Ayoub Khader, secretary for the Darfur region of the community of Sudanese civil organizations, told Sputnik.

Adel Abdel Baki, the head of the community of Sudanese civil organizations, noted that the humanitarian aid that sometimes arrives is not enough.

“We've appealed to all parties to the conflict to stop attacks on civilians. The UN and countries in the region are calling on all parties to return to the negotiating table, but there is no sign or response to that call yet. Sometimes it is possible to open humanitarian corridors for the delivery of aid, but they still do not work as efficiently as needed. Help is not reaching all areas,” Baki pointed out.

Protesters display Sudanese flags at a rally in front of the military headquarters in the capital Khartoum, Sudan, Monday, April 8, 2019.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 11.05.2024
Armed Clashes in Sudan
Violent Confrontations Reportedly Break Out in North Darfur Region of Sudan
Fighting for El Fasher between the RSF and the Sudanese Army broke out last Friday. According to Sputnik, the RSF continues to lay siege to the last major city under the control of the Sudanese military in the Darfur region. At least 500,000 civilians may be sheltering in the city.
Overall, the UN estimated that 24.8 million people, or half of Sudan's population, are in need of humanitarian assistance. About 1.8 million people have fled the country, and 6.7 million have been internally displaced.
On Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed "grave concern" over the renewed violence in El Fasher and reminded all parties involved of their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians, urging them to allow safe passage for those seeking refuge in safer areas.