Number of Ukrainians Supporting Kiev's Accession to NATO, EU Decreased Since July, Poll Reveals
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The number of Ukrainians supporting the country's accession to the European Union and NATO has declined since July, a survey held by Ukraine's Sociological Group "Rating" showed Wednesday.
In February 2014, the government of Ukraine was overthrown due to political unrest, and a fiercely pro-US, pro-EU, pro-NATO government took its place. However, not all Ukrainians share such views.
"As of the end of November, 78% of respondents would vote in favor of Ukraine's accession to the European Union if such a referendum were held, which is slightly less than in July of this year (85%). Only 5% of respondents are against joining the EU. Instead, the share of those who have not decided or would not like to vote is increasing: 3% and 14% respectively for now," the group said in its 25th national survey dubbed "Dynamics of Ukrainians' Attitudes Towards International Unions."
At the same time, the number of Ukrainians supporting the country's accession to NATO has decreased to 77% in November from 83% in July, the poll showed. The group added that only 5% of those polled would oppose Ukraine joining the military block, while 15% of respondents said they would not vote, and 3% of respondents were undecided.
"The idea of Ukraine's accession to NATO within only the territories controlled now by the state is unacceptable to more than half of respondents (53%). At the same time, 40% of respondents fully or rather support this idea: residents of the western regions and the capital are relatively more likely to take such a step, as are middle-aged people. Instead, the residents of the East, Center, and South, as well as the oldest people, support this idea to the least extent," the survey showed.
The survey was held from November 22-23 among 1,000 respondents, with the margin of error exceeding 3.1%.