Sub-Saharan Africa
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Chinese & South African Researches Create World's Longest Quantum Communication Link, Media Reports

Quantum computing uses qubits, leveraging superposition and entanglement, to solve complex problems exponentially faster than traditional computers. It offers ultra-secure communications because any attempt to intercept photons, which carry information, alters their state, revealing eavesdropping.
Researchers from China and South Africa used a low-cost microsatellite and portable ground stations to create the world's longest quantum communications link, Chinese media reported.
According to the media, the scientists used China's quantum microsatellite Jinan-1 to build a link between Stellenbosch University in South Africa and a site in Beijing run by researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China.
The team transmitted two images – of the Great Wall of China and the Stellenbosch University campus – over a distance of 12,900 km via satellite.
“This achievement serves as a strong foundation for our future plans of launching multiple microsatellites and establishing a vast network of [optical ground stations], leading us towards the realization of a practical quantum constellation," a scientist said as quoted by the media.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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According to him, in the near future, a global quantum network with revolutionary communication capabilities is expected.