"And this is not a cattle burial ground. This is not a random burial of a cow that died. No, this is a cult burial. This is evidenced by the very elegant, exquisite architecture; the grave is lined with stones. A mound was piled on top of it. And with several rings of this mound, and inside the cow was laid so that its head was almost on the surface, slightly covered with earth, but the horns were definitely sticking out above the ground," the researcher noted.
"The fact is that the excavated, well, that is, not yet excavated, cult structure, cult burial, which we have begun to research. These burials are only part of a certain structure. Judging by the position of these tombs, they were concentrated around another central tomb. And the study of that will be the task of the next season, the next season that we plan to do in November," he said.