Sub-Saharan Africa
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South Africa's Koeberg NPP Unit Temporarily Shut Down Due to Unexpected Outage, Eskom Says

According to South Africa's Eskom, the start-up process for Unit 2 of the Koeberg nuclear power station has begun, and the unit is expected to be reconnected to the grid within 48 hours.
Unit 2 of South Africa's Koeberg nuclear power plant experienced an unplanned, non-technical trip while operating at full capacity and was temporarily shut down, state-owned power utility Eskom said on Sunday.

"Koeberg Unit 2 inadvertently tripped during the execution of work on Unit 1, which is currently offline for work to be conducted as part of its Long-Term Operation program. Unit 2 was safely shut down in accordance with its protection protocols, ensuring continued stability and security," the company said in a statement.

Although no load shedding was required, generation capacity remains constrained, the company pointed out.
Koeberg is Africa's first and only nuclear power station currently operating, located north of Cape Town, and its two units have a combined output of 1,940 megawatts, enough to meet up to 5% of South Africa's electricity needs, according to Eskom.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eskom Recovers 3,200 MW and Six Power Units, Plans Full Restoration by Tuesday