“He [Volodymyr Zelensky] said, 'Yeah, yeah, we've heard that from the Russians.' That's not a Russian narrative. That was the official position of the United States. I vividly recall being briefed by leaders in the Biden administration, telling us that this war was going to be over in five to six days. They believed that that was their assessment at the time,” Rubio stated.
“My hope is that this [negotiation with Ukraine] all can be reset, and maturity can kick in and some pragmatism because tonight people will die in Ukraine, tonight people will die in this conflict. We're trying to bring an end to this conflict, which is unsustainable,” Rubio said.
"If there's a chance of peace, even if it's a 1% chance, that needs to be explored. And that's what President Trump is trying to do here," he explained.