G20 foreign ministers agreed on the need to achieve a just peace in Ukraine, the Gaza Strip, the Democratic Republic of Congo and other conflict zones, according to a statement released on Friday.
"[It was] stressed that the ongoing conflicts across the globe are detrimental to economic development and the attainment of SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals]. The impact of wars on education and health was highlighted as a major concern by some to this end, sustainable investment in conflict prevention and peacebuilding was underscored. Concerning the ongoing conflicts and wars in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, the meeting reiterated that all states must act in a manner consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the UN," the statement read.
Moreover, the participants agreed that "widening geopolitical divisions" have led to a "climate of distrust," and this can undermine progress made in combating challenges such as poverty, climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation and armed conflicts.
The G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting took place in Johannesburg from February 20-21.