"Our goal for 2025 is to recruit more than 3,000 young people to serve in the Defense and Security Forces, especially the police and the National Guard. First of all, very quickly, for the National Police, competitive exams will be organized in a few weeks, and more than 3,000 people will be recruited," he said.
"In terms of training, we have strengthened the capabilities of over 8,000 of our officers of all ranks in border management, counter-terrorism, intelligence and cybercrime," Toumba said.
"In the face of these new threats, new behaviors, new attitudes, we are going to strengthen these very units of the police, the guard, the gendarmerie to be able to deal with them. We are going to redefine the country's security network by deploying our units in our region. [...] Today, our ambition is to stay there. We're going to control the areas and stay. That's why we need personnel and infrastructure," he pointed out.