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Trump Will Try to Separate Russia From China, US' Perceived Main Rival, Political Scientist Says

Donald Trump officially took office as the 47th president of the US on Monday during the inauguration ceremony at the Capitol.
US President Donald Trump will try to separate Russia, as well as Iran, from China, which he perceives as the US' great economic rival, Belgian essayist, author of the book "Ukraine: War of Images," and political scientist Michel Collon told Sputnik Africa.
"He [Trump] is going to try to detach Russia, and Iran too perhaps, from China so that he can go after China, which he sees as his great economic rival, very dangerous for the interests of multinational companies," he stated.
According to the speaker, US President Trump is following the strategy proclaimed by the 7th US national security advisor serving from 1969 to 1975, Henry Kissinger, who said that the US needed to isolate Russia from China.

"The other [geopolitical] approach takes its inspiration from Henry Kissinger, who said, 'The United States is in decline; we can't attack everyone at the same time. And so, we must try to draw Russia into our camp in order to isolate China, which is our most dangerous enemy,'" Collon explained.

However, the United States is at war not only with Russia, but also with Europe, he pointed out.

"The destruction of Nord Stream 2, a pipeline that supplied cheap gas to German and European industry, was a clear declaration of war," the speaker explained.

This goal is being pursued by Trump as well as Biden, Obama, Clinton and Bush, Collon noted.

"The difference with Trump is that he does it without concealment, without hiding behind the beautiful words 'we are friends with the Europeans' and other blah blah blah," he added.

Trump Says Conversation With Putin May Take Place in Near Future

Profits for French Arms Industry & Macron's Political Weakness Are Behind France's Warmongering in Ukraine

"The two reasons I can see for continuing this "go to war" policy are firstly, to generate large profits for the French arms industry, which is an important sector. France is a country that has undergone a lot of deindustrialization, which has led to a lot of poverty," Michel Collon said.

Secondly, France's contribution to the conflict bolsters the image of President Macron, distracts from his domestic unpopularity and reinforces his authority by creating an external enemy, the scientist argued.

"The second is that Macron is a rather weakened, rather hated president. He has impoverished a large part of his population. He's really the bankers' man, the super-rich man, the billionaires' man. And so, he's hated," the speaker noted.

While various rumors are circulating in Western Europe, saying that "Putin is not going to stop in Ukraine, that he is going to invade Europe," Collon emphasized that all these words are just propaganda.