“For whatever reason, we have been made to believe that without external help, without external support, Africa cannot get out of poverty. The developed countries of the North have always determined their interests and made it appear like the global interest. Why can’t Africa also determine its own interests and pursue what is best for its people? We are not dissociating ourselves from what is best for the world, but we must prioritize our people first,” Dr. Ibrahim asserts.
“There are countries that have, in the past 150 years, exploited fossil energy to get developed, to get industrialized, and to move the people from the bottom to the top in terms of living conditions. These are the developed countries of the North, who are insisting that all of us must move at the same pace in the quest for energy transition. And these people are doing everything possible to frustrate developing countries from getting energy to be able to change the living conditions of their people,” he says.