Join Sputnik Africa's AI-powered host Joy as she sums up this year's events in Africa with experts!
The decline of Western power in Africa persisted in 2024. Following the departure of the French contingent in Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, American troops withdrew from the final foreign military facility in Niger in August. Senegal and Chad declared almost three months later that they wanted French troops to leave their country. A first contingent departed N'Djamena on December 20.
Moreover, in January this year, Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso declared their intention to leave ECOWAS in pursuit of their sovereignty. These three nations claim that outside interests, especially French ones, are manipulating the regional organization. ECOWAS remains hopeful for reconciliation despite economic sanctions and intervention threats. The final departure is now scheduled for January 29, 2025.
In July, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger confirmed their alliance within a 72-million-people confederation in an effort to further integrate. Some commentators interpreted the announcement as a message to ECOWAS.
With the help of the BRICS and a wave of support from the Global South, Africa has become more and more visible on the global scene in 2024.
South Africa's legal action against Israel has had a significant global impact. The program has received backing from at least thirty nations and organizations.
The continent's nations have been doing very well economically. The African Development Bank projects that by 2025, the average GDP of Africa will have increased by 3.7%. In 2024, the continent is predicted to continue to be the second-fastest-growing region globally. It is anticipated that rates in over 40 nations will surpass those of 2023.
Africa's nations have persisted in improving their infrastructure throughout the continent. Mali, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, etc. The number of solar power plant projects has increased. Mali and Burkina Faso are among the nations that have declared their plans to construct nuclear power stations. A pipeline project to supply Congo's major cities and economic hubs has been completed.
Africa's nations have persisted in improving their infrastructure throughout the continent. Mali, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, etc. The number of solar power plant projects has increased. Mali and Burkina Faso are among the nations that have declared their plans to construct nuclear power stations. A pipeline project to supply Congo's major cities and economic hubs has been completed.
Join our Joy in her final appearance of this year, and she will see you in the new year, which will certainly be very eventful!