The act of renaming streets in Bamako "embodies a firm and resolute desire to rehabilitate our history, and to glorify our heroes and heroines," said Malian Prime Minister Abdoulaye Maïga.
On December 24, the minister attended the official ceremony where Place de la CEDEAO (ECOWAS Square) was renamed Place de l’AES (AES Square), according to a press release from the Malian Prime Minister's office.
Maïga added that the renaming of places aims to strengthen the national values and identity.
According to the press release, approximately thirty roads, squares, and public establishments in the district of Bamako have been renamed to honor "national, African, pan-African, and even universal personalities and figures." There are plans to rename other localities in the country.
On the other hand, "names such as Avenue de l'Artois, Avenue de la Marne, or Rue Archinard evoke nothing in the collective Malian memory," the press release stated.