"We have transitioned from colonialism; we have fallen under the scourge of neo-imperialism or neo-colonialism. And these colonial vestiges, as they remain, create a false impression of superiority within the psychology of our people when they are viewing our former colonizers. And this has given us the problem that former colonizers remain with a superiority complex when they view us, and it keeps people with an inferiority complex. So we need to do away with this. We need to re-identify ourselves," Marapira said.
"From ZANU-PF itself, the reason they prefer in terms of looking at it, and I think these are quite obvious. They are talking about autonomy in terms of the politics of the day. They are also talking about economic growth and sovereignty in terms of that it would give them all this leverage for them to be able to work with the bullion-backed ZiG currency. So it's a clear movement or departure, if you will, and a big statement that the world is no longer a unipolar environment where everything and all economic activities are denominated in the US dollar," Professor Shambare stated.