Sub-Saharan Africa
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Former First Lady Simone Ehivet Gbagbo Running for President in Côte d'Ivoire

Koudou Laurent Gbagbo served as president of Côte d'Ivoire from 2000 to April 2011, when he was arrested on charges connected to violence that followed the 2010 election in the West African country.
Simone Ehivet Gbagbo, the former wife of former President Laurent Gbagbo announced her candidacy for the 2025 Ivorian preidential election at the convention of the Mouvement des Générations Capables, her political party.
"I agreed to be a candidate in the presidential election of October 2025 because I deeply believe that every Ivorian, whatever their condition, is capable, if they really want to, of transcending all kinds of trials to dream, create, build and succeed," she said.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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Her former husband, Laurent Gbagbo, was also nominated as a candidate by his party, the Parti des peuple africaines-Côte d'Ivoire, even though he remains ineligible for the time being, due to a conviction by the Ivorian courts.