Sub-Saharan Africa
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Wheat Harvest in Zimbabwe Exceeds 550,000 tonnes in 2024, Despite Drought, Report Says

Zimbabwe is facing a food crisis due to a drought caused by El Nino, a climate phenomenon that provokes the unusual warming of the ocean surface and can significantly affect weather patterns.
Wheat harvest in Zimbabwe exceeded 550,000 tonnes in 2024, despite drought, a local newspaper reported. According to the media, 121,900 hectares of grain were cultivated in the African country this year, but current wheat supplies account for 186,682 tonnes, which is lower than the figure of 2023.
Amid the climate issue, the government has expanded its food aid program to reach six million food insecure citizens, with the aim of procuring nearly 300,000 tonnes of cereals to meet their needs until March 2025. The move has come in response to a severe food crisis caused by drought.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Zimbabwe Government Delivers Food Supplies to Over 7 Million People Amidst El Nino-Induced Drought
Zimbabwean Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Dr. Jenfan Muswere said that while local production has been affected by the drought, seed sales have increased by 45%.