Sub-Saharan Africa
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Kalembe Town in East of DRC Was Taken Back by Congolese Armed Forces, Army Spokesman Says

The conflict between the DRC and Rwanda over the M23 rebel group centers on allegations that Rwanda supports the M23. However, Kigali denies the DRC's accusations of backing the rebels.
The settlement was seized by M23 rebels on Sunday morning. The liberation of the town by the DRC army was confirmed by the spokesman, Sylvain Ekenge.
Kabaki Alimasi, a representative of the Walikale territory where the town is located, confirmed that the army had retaken the settlement but said that military actions were still ongoing in the area.

"The M23 are not far. We can hear gunfire; the population that fled has not yet returned," Alimasi said.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Angolan President Holds Talks With DRC, Rwanda Counterparts Amid Stalled Negotiations: Media
The M23, primarily composed of Tutsi fighters, initially mutinied against the DRC government in 2012, causing significant unrest in the eastern DRC.