Sub-Saharan Africa
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'For Benefit of African Children': Russian Doctors Come With Mission to Ethiopia

The goal of the "Missiya Dobro" ("Kindness Mission") is to provide assistance to people and organizations around the world by involving specialists from Russia in the form of volunteer missions.
Russian rehabilitation doctors launched their first volunteer mission in Ethiopia, providing intensive care to children with cerebral palsy at the Yekatit-12 Medical College in Addis Ababa. Known as "Mission Dobro," the project aims to share Russia's advanced rehabilitation methods with local specialists and help improve care for children with special needs in Africa.

"The goal of our mission is to look at children with neurological disorders [...] to see what doctors do here, to share our experience in diagnosing and treating these patients in the future and outline plans for joint dialogue in order to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment for the benefit of African children," Sergey Drugov, Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatrics in the State Healthcare Institution “Borovichi Central District Hospital," said.

Dr. Frezer Girma, pediatrician at the Yekatit-12 Hospital, praised the approach of Russian specialists, noting their attitude to parents and staff.
"These physicians are very talented," Frezer Girma stated, adding that the collaboration with Russian doctors can help make the daily lives of patients with cerebral palsy easier.
Dr. Medes Shimekit, a pediatrician and department head, observed that the Russian specialists have been demonstrating physiotherapy techniques to mothers and noted that some of the techniques were new. She also hopes that the program will be sustained on a larger scale.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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Medes Shimekit noted that the combination of the specialists was good, saying that the doctors were "willing to share their knowledge and their experience and determination," which is very helpful.