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Voice of America Was 'Propaganda Pure & Simple' in Burkina Faso, Professor Says

On Monday, the country's government banned the US media outlet from broadcasting for three months after it aired a program that could have "undermined the morale" of the Burkinabe and Malian armies, reports said.
Voice of America broadcasting in Burkina Faso was pure propaganda, Serge Theophile Balima, the University of Ouagadougou's professor of journalism and communication, told Sputnik Africa.

"It's urgent for us to react in this way because it's a question of Burkina Faso's survival as an independent nation to resist this Western influence," Balima noted.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Burkina Faso Suspended French TV5 Monde-Afrique News Channel Broadcast, Authorities Say
After the departure of the French troops, "VoA was able to broadcast reports claiming that the terrorists had carried out courageous offensives against the fighting forces. This is pure propaganda, designed to glorify the bravery of the terrorists. The High Council of Communications is right to react," he said.
These disinformation campaigns are aimed at demobilizing the population, especially young people, the professor added.
“It is necessary for the Alliance of Sahel States to resist fiercely by taking appropriate measures,” the expert noted.