BRICS Can Have a Single Market of Carbon Units: Russian Direct Investment Fund Head

Earlier, following the BRICS Climate Agenda Forum in Moscow, the BRICS countries adopted a framework document on climate and sustainable development, which outlines the main aspects of joint action in this field.
There is an opportunity for the BRICS countries to have a single market for carbon units, allowing them to help the planet's climate while benefiting their economies, the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, Kirill Dmitriev, said in an interview with the Russia-24 news channel on the sidelines of the Russian Energy Week International Forum.

“It doesn't matter where we absorb carbon dioxide; we have to absorb it where it is most economically beneficial, and Russia can offer, thanks to the forests, thanks to other projects we have, some of the cheapest, most correct ways of absorbing carbon dioxide in the world,” Dmitriev said.

BRICS Countries Sign Climate Cooperation Framework, Russian Economic Development Ministry Announces
In the interview, Dmitriev also talked about the potential the foundation sees in the Russian electric car project “Atom.” The plan is not only to sell the vehicles abroad but also to invest in the necessary infrastructure in Russia.