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Eurasian Women's Forum: Namibian Official Praises Russia's Efforts to Empower Women

On Wednesday, the 4th Eurasian Women's Forum opened in St. Petersburg. Dedicated to women's participation in global cooperation, the event also includes the first BRICS Women's Forum. The forum is attended by participants from Cameroon, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and South Africa.
Victoria Kauma, Vice Spokesperson of the National Council of Namibia, expressed her admiration for Russia's commitment to advancing women's roles in various sectors of the economy during her attendance at the IV Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg.
Kauma, representing Namibia at the forum for the first time, emphasized the opportunity to learn from other nations and witness firsthand how women are implementing empowering programs.

"It is a forum which gives me a very strong feeling to go back to my country and do more," she told Sputnik Africa. "We came to learn; we also came to see how other women are implementing their programs."

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Highlighting the strong historical ties between Namibia and Russia, she described Russia as a "second home" for Namibians. She also commended Russia's dedication to women's empowerment, citing President Putin's remarks at the forum and Russian initiatives aimed at benefiting women.

"I was very much impressed how Russia is helping women to achieve their role," Kauma said. "I have heard about the kindergartens, the grants, many things which are good. And also, you can see that the women are busy, and they are very fast in changing life in the private sector, in business, in schools, education and so on."

Regarding inter-parliamentary relations between Russia and Namibia, the vice speaker of the upper chamber of Namibia's bicameral parliament highlighted the positive relationship and expressed her commitment to strengthening it through collaborative programs.

"I hope, through our agreement with the National Council, the Russian delegation might come. We can also come," she stated, emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration for the benefit of both countries. "The good part is we are now together. We have united. Still, that unity and friendship must be strong for us to live longer."