Sub-Saharan Africa
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AES Heads of Diplomacy Condemn Ukraine's Support for Terrorist Groups Operating in Sahel

On September 16, 2023, the military leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger formalized a mutual defense agreement known as the Liptako-Gourma Charter. This pact established the Alliance of Sahel States, which aims to create a framework for collective defense and mutual support to enhance the security and well-being of their populations.
The inaugural meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) took place on Monday in Bamako, Mali. The meeting coincided with the first anniversary of the Liptako-Gourma Charter, which established the Alliance of Sahel States. One of the topics of discussion was the condemnation of Ukraine's support for terrorist groups operating in the Sahel region.

"Faced with this blatant aggression, the member countries of the Alliance of Sahel States found themselves quite alone," lamented the head of Malian diplomacy, Abdoulaye Diop, during the first meeting of the confederation's foreign ministers.

Abdoulaye Diop stated that, apart from a few sincere partners and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, only a few international actors had condemned what he referred to as the gratuitous aggression by Ukraine.
Sub-Saharan Africa
AES Faces Challenges from State-Supported Adversaries in Sahel, Including Ukraine: Mali's Goita
Here are other key points from this meeting, which took place on September 16, commemorating the anniversary of the creation of the Alliance of Sahel States:
The ministers reaffirmed their countries' commitment to implementing the decisions of the Niamey Summit of July 6, which confirmed the creation of the confederation.

"The creation of the Alliance of Sahel States has shaken up the geopolitical landscape, not only in the Sahel region but also on our continent and beyond," said the Malian minister of Foreign Affairs.

The parties discussed several documents, including the roadmap and the preliminary draft of the Rules of Procedure.
"The AES confederation strengthens our commitment to stepping out of our usual comfort zone, to pooling and directing our energies and resources towards concrete actions that have an impact on our populations," Diop emphasized.
During the opening ceremony, the diplomats acknowledged the leadership of the Sahel States leaders in focusing on addressing the needs and aspirations of their citizens as part of their shared vision, according to the Malian minister of foreign affairs.