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US Pressures Russian Media for Its Own Geopolitical Interests: Expert

On Friday, the US Treasury Department announced new sanctions on the Russian media group Rossiya Segodnya and its Director General Dmitry Kiselev for their roles in alleged covert influence operations, as well as on the Russia Today broadcaster.
The US is bringing charges against Russian media outlets, guided by its own geopolitical interests, in order to “continue to put pressure on Russia,” Mauricio Alonso Estevez, an international relations specialist and deputy coordinator of the Center for Eurasian Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, told Sputnik, commenting on the introduction of the latest restrictions regarding Rossiya Segodnya.
RT Editor-in-Chief Says Her 'Life Was Not in Vain' as New US Sanctions Spotlight Work
He also commented on Washington's accusations against RT regarding its alleged involvement in operations aimed at interfering with democracy and the upcoming elections in Moldova.
"This is due to considerations of both a geopolitical and national nature. On the one hand, the mention of Moldova has to do with respecting US interests in the region [of Eastern Europe], in other words, continuing to put pressure on Russia," the expert believes.
He added that, regarding the US elections, accusations of Russian interference have become quite common, both in the US and other nations, but such claims are likely unfounded and cannot be definitively proven.