Sub-Saharan Africa
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Ethiopia's Rainwater Harvesting Initiative Extends Clean Water Access to Over 4 Million People

Access to clean water remains a major challenge in Ethiopia. Before the recent developments, only about 42% of the population reportedly had access to a safe water supply. Several factors contribute to this problem, which is even more severe in rural areas, including drought, political instability, and damaged water infrastructure.
Ethiopia's ongoing battle against water scarcity has been bolstered by a successful rainwater harvesting initiative. This program, known as "My Dam at My Door," has expanded clean water access to over 4 million people across the country, bringing the total number with access to clean water to 74.6 million, according to Abraha Adugna, state minister for water resources management.
The initiative aims to address water scarcity and reduce reliance on dwindling groundwater sources, particularly in drought-prone regions. It also promotes both traditional rooftop water harvesting and pond water collection, providing alternative sources of drinking water.

“Rainwater provides a solution when water quality is compromised during the rainy season or when traditional water sources are far from communities. Water supplies can become polluted due to industrial or human wastes or by the intrusion of minerals such as arsenic, salt (downstream area), or fluoride in the rift valley. Roof water is generally of good quality,” the official stated.

Sub-Saharan Africa
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While only 42% of Ethiopia's population had access to safe drinking water in the recent past, the My Dam at My Door initiative has contributed to a significant increase in national clean water coverage to 69.52%.
“Collecting and storing water near households improves accessibility and positively impacts health,” the minister concluded.