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Unknown Assailants Attempt to Poison Minister of Justice in DR Congo

The poisoning, as reported by local media, occurred after Constant Mutamba initiated a reform of the DRC's judicial system, which threatens to dismiss judges suspected of corruption.
Unknown individuals have attempted to poison the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Constant Mutamba, according to the Congolese news portal Actualite.

"Conducted tests revealed the presence of poison [in Mutamba's body]," reported the portal, quoting sources close to the minister. "Serious measures are being taken to care for the minister."

The media outlet did not provide details about Mutamba's physical condition or his whereabouts, though.
According to a statement from the DRC Ministry of Justice, the minister's office was broken into on the night of September 2. Subsequently, specialists discovered traces of white powder both in the office itself and in the corridor leading to it. Traces were also found in the refrigerator used by the minister.