Russia to Take Advantage of BRICS Partners' Experience in Urban Development, Says Lavrov

On August 27-28, Moscow is hosting the 6th International Municipal BRICS Forum, bringing together delegations from 126 countries. Participants will discuss the development of trade and investment and exchange experience in the use of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and green technologies to create a comfortable living environment.
Russia is interested in and intends to use the experience of BRICS partners in the field of urban development, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video message to the participants of the 6th International Municipal BRICS Forum held in Moscow on August 27-28.
"We are interested in using the experience of our friends. The importance of such mutually enriching exchanges is obvious," the minister said. "Cooperation between municipalities and regions within BRICS is developing dynamically and occupies an important place on the agenda of the association."
According to Lavrov, the global trend of rapid urbanization "dictates the need to develop a long-term, well-thought-out policy for the sustainable development of municipalities and the creation of a comfortable urban environment for all residents."
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In this regard, the Russian foreign minister emphasized the need for the format of the International Municipal Forum of the BRICS countries.

"I would like to pay special tribute to the work of the Moscow authorities, who have created all the conditions for the productive work of the Forum. I am convinced that all guests of our capital will fully feel its hospitality," Lavrov concluded. "The forum creates additional opportunities for establishing useful contacts, agreeing on promising joint projects, promoting further strengthening of friendship and trust between our peoples."