On X, African users have spoken in support of Durov, who is the Russian-born founder of the Telegram encrypted messaging app and a tech mogul with $15.5 billion in net worth.
"Durov, CEO of Telegram, continues to champion online freedom and privacy. His unwavering stance against censorship is a testament to the power of innovation and courage," one netizen said.
Another user called for justice for the technical entrepreneur.
"I call for true justice from God on the ingratitude, the greed of man who takes advantage of others by making them miserable; yes, Africa has been dispossessed by the colonizer," he underlined.
One netizen also expressed outrage over France's move.
"Imagine a country that has been supporting and financing terrorism in Africa are the ones trying to bring 1billion people down," he noted.
Earlier, Elon Musk criticized European authorities for detaining Durov, warning of a future where people could be executed for just pressing the "like" button on a meme.
Prominent journalist Tucker Carlson, who previously interviewed Durov, believes the US government is behind his detention. "Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world," Carlson stated.