Sub-Saharan Africa
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Stopping Brain Drain: President of Burkina Faso Plans to Build 'Great Schools' in His Country

Brain drain, the exodus of key talent from countries with limited opportunities to regions with greater promise, is now a significant concern for the future of numerous countries in Africa as talented professionals, including doctors and engineers, leave their home countries in search of a better life.
Burkina Faso President Ibrahim Traoré, addressing the growing exodus from his nation, emphasized the need for building "great schools" to address the issue. This statement highlights the serious challenge posed by brain drain for African development.

"For a long time, imperialists have been draining our brains through scholarships. Once they're abroad, they rarely return home," said Ibrahim Traoré while speaking on August 23rd on National Education Day.

Traoré called for intensifying efforts to achieve this goal.
"We want to build our own great schools here, train our own elites so that they can serve the people of Burkina Faso," explained the head of state.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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Captain Traoré also highlighted the need for the country's educational and technological self-sufficiency.
"Let's make these initiatives work so we can establish the polytechnic and technological universities we need for these children to express their full potential and work for the benefit of our homeland," he concluded.