Sub-Saharan Africa
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Ethiopian and Kenyan Intelligence Leaders Confer on Collaborative Anti-Terrorism Efforts

Kenya and Ethiopia are major contributors to regional peacekeeping missions, such as the African Union Mission in Somalia. Their cooperation extends to supporting peace and stability efforts in neighboring conflict zones. The two nations collaborate on security issues, particularly in counter-terrorism efforts against groups like al-Shabaab*.
Top intelligence officials from Ethiopia and Kenya have pledged to enhance cooperation in counter-terrorism efforts.
The Kenyan delegation, headed by intelligence chief Gen. Nuredin Mohammed Haji, met with Ethiopia's National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) chief, Redwan Hussien, in Addis Ababa.
Discussions focused on strengthening coordinated operations against terrorist threats, particularly those posed by the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), which is active along their shared border. The talks highlighted the OLA’s recent criminal activities, including the kidnapping of two South Korean nationals handed over to al-Shabaab.
Both countries agreed to take immediate action against smuggling, illegal arms trafficking, and unauthorized mineral extraction. They also stressed the importance of a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Sudan and committed to supporting regional peace efforts.
Al-Shabaab is a Somalia-based jihadist militant group. It wages armed resistance against the Somali government and obstructs UN humanitarian missions in the country.
* Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries.