Sub-Saharan Africa
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Turkish Research Vessel to Explore Offshore Oil & Gas Blocks in Somalia

Somalia is emerging as a significant frontier for oil and gas exploration. Recent geo-seismic studies suggest that the country may have at least 30 billion barrels of oil and gas reserves. This potential has attracted renewed interest from international oil companies, which had previously halted operations due to security issues.
Turkey is planning to send an 86-meter research vessel, the Oruc Reis, to Somali waters in September to explore for oil and gas.
The vessel will conduct exploration activities in three offshore blocks off the Horn of Africa, a move welcomed by Somalia's Petroleum Ministry Director Mohamed Hashi as a potential step towards diversifying Turkey's crude oil supply from the East African country.
Turkey to Host Third Round of Ethiopia-Somalia Talks on September 17, Foreign Minister Says
Earlier this month, the Turkish parliament approved a request by the country's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to send a naval support vessel to Somali waters in response to increased piracy concerns in the region, with the Turkish naval vessel expected to escort the research vessel.
Turkey is currently actively mediating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia, another close partner, to resolve a dispute over a naval base and port access sought by Addis Ababa in the coastal city of Berbera in the unrecognized breakaway state of Somaliland.