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'Chaos & Lies': Multinationals Conspire With West to Control African Resources, Pan-Africanist Says

In recent months, several African countries have begun to review the activities of multinational companies, particularly Western companies, for their illicit role in the exploitation of African resources. Last year, Uganda's president criticized foreign states and multinationals for exploiting Africa's resources with no visible return.
Some giant multinational corporations are conspiring with Western powers to better control the resources of African nations, Fortifi Lushima, the Congolese national coordinator of the Pan-Africanist Emergencies Movement, told Sputnik Africa in an interview.

"These multinational companies are destabilizing African countries, especially the DRC, in order to gain control over Congolese coltan, Congolese uranium, Congolese cobalt, and Congolese gold and diamonds," Lushima said.

He called for a "total break" with the countries that support these companies, which are closely linked to the Western powers that defend their interests in international bodies.
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"The goal for the Americans is to maintain their superpower status in the world," he stressed. When Washington launches a war against a country, it makes extensive use of propaganda, the activist noted.

According to him, propaganda serves to hide its economic interests and does not reveal the historical reasons for inter-African conflicts.
"They will never tell you that the war being waged in Congo today is really a war to control the strategic minerals used for Western technology and American security," says the Pan-Africanist.