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South Africa Vows Boosting Global South Coordination for Peace in Ukraine, Beijing Says

BEIJING (Sputnik) - South Africa supported the Chinese-Brazilian consensus on resolving the Ukrainian crisis and stated that the countries of the Global South need to strengthen cooperation to create conditions for achieving peace, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.
The Chinese government's special envoy for Eurasian affairs, Li Hui, visited South Africa on August 2, where he met with government officials and discussed the Ukrainian crisis, according to the ministry.
"South Africa highly appreciated China's 'shuttle diplomacy' and expressed opinion that the countries of the Global South needed to strengthen cooperation, give the international community a voice of honesty and justice in order to create conditions for promoting de-escalation and ultimately achieving peace," the ministry said in a statement.
Pretoria expressed fundamental support for the six-point China-Brazil consensus and readiness to promote it in multilateral formats together with China and Brazil, it added.
"The international community universally believes that it is necessary to promote a cooling of the situation in Ukraine," Li Hui said.
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He noted that the six-point consensus reached by China and Brazil on the issue of a political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis received positive feedback from more than 110 countries.
"China is ready to strengthen interaction and coordination with South Africa in order to find a common denominator based on the six-point consensus that will help form an international consensus," Li Hui said.
Earlier, Li Hui visited Brazil, where the parties agreed to strengthen coordination to promote a political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine and create conditions for this.