Sudan, Iran Renew Diplomatic Ties With Ambassador Exchange

The ambassadors were appointed following a 2023 agreement to restore relations that had been severed in 2016 by former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who cut ties with Iran following the attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran by Iranian protesters.
The chairman of Sudan's Transitional Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, formally received Iran's new ambassador, Hassan Shah Hosseini, in Port Sudan, local media reported.
The exchange was called a “new phase” in bilateral relations between the countries. Sudan’s Foreign Ministry emphasized its importance in advancing cooperation.
Meanwhile, Sudan's new ambassador to Iran, Abdulaziz Hassan Saleh, left for Tehran the same day.
The move follows an October 2023 agreement to restore relations, which were severed in 2016 by Sudan in solidarity with Saudi Arabia following the attack on the kingdom's embassy in Tehran.
The attack on the Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran on January 2, 2016, was a result of demonstrators protesting the execution of a well-known Shia cleric from Saudi Arabia. Both the Saudi consulate in Mashhad and the embassy in Tehran were overrun by rioters who looted them. The embassy building was attacked with petrol bombs and Molotov cocktails. When the police arrived during the attacks, they put out the fire and drove the demonstrators off the embassy grounds.
Over the ensuing years, high-level discussions culminated in a mutual agreement last October to mend fences and restore diplomatic missions.