Biden's Attempts to Insult Putin Undermine US Image, Russian Ambassador Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden's attempts to publicly insult Russian President Vladimir Putin are unworthy of a head of state and do irreparable damage to the reputation of the United States, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said on Saturday.
On Friday, Biden spoke at a Detroit campaign event, during which the politician once again voiced an insult against the Russian president.

"Such escapades are unworthy of a US leader. Uncontrollable emotional outbursts cause irreparable damage to the prestige of the US. It's obvious that we are talking about trivial attempts to assert oneself and boost ratings," Antonov said.

The leader of a country that aspires to the role of the "bearer of democratic values and high morality" could hardly afford to behave like this, he added.
"No one is allowed to insult the Russian president and, in his person, our entire nation. The accusations against Vladimir Putin are absurd. It is the US that is loading the planet with military conflicts, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people die," the diplomat said.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov previously said that Biden's disrespectful remarks about Putin are unacceptable to Moscow.