"Unfortunately, due to colonial history, African inventions and innovations have actually been stymied by colonialism. Prior to colonialism, of course, we had African technological inventions. We had textile industries prior to colonization in Africa. Think about West African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, and many others, even Zimbabwe," Professor Nhemachena said.
"It is important to teach African students the history of innovations and inventions in Africa, including pre-colonial Africa. Because the problem that we're sitting with now is one of Afro-pessimism," Nhemachena noted.
"Think about Russia, for example. If Africans could learn from Russia, from China on questions of technological sovereignty, including developing cyber sovereignty, for example, they could learn from Russia with its RuNet [Russian segment of the Internet]. So Africans could partner with Russia, could partner with China, like African universities, for example, African research institutions, could partner with Russia," the academic stressed.