Sub-Saharan Africa
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Turkey Mediates Talks Between Disputing Ethiopia & Somalia

On January 1, 2024, Ethiopia, which has no access to the sea, signed a memorandum of understanding with the unrecognized state of Somaliland. The document provides for the possibility of leasing 19 km of the latter's coastline to Ethiopia in exchange for recognition.
The foreign ministers of Somalia and Ethiopia, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi and Taye Atske Selassie, held a round of talks in Ankara, Turkey, to resolve contentious issues between their countries.
The talks reportedly focused on Ethiopia's seaport access MoU with Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland, signed in January 2024.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Somalia Announces Deadline for Ethiopian ATMIS Troops Withdrawal Amid Rising Tensions
Somali authorities see the agreement as a violation of the country's sovereignty. Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, on the other hand, has said that his country had no intention of starting a conflict with Somalia and was only focused on meeting its maritime access needs.