Sub-Saharan Africa
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CAR Discusses Delivery of Russian Mobile Medical Complexes

Earlier, a mobile medical laboratory was handed over to Burundi by Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian consumer rights and human wellbeing watchdog).
The Central African Minister of Health discussed the delivery of Russian mobile medical complexes in Bangui with a delegation of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health.
In addition to the delivery of mobile complexes, the two sides discussed the possibility of establishing a telemedicine center in the CAR.
In a commentary for Sputnik Africa, Minister Pierre Somsé described the outcome of the meeting as "excellent."
"We are very happy with the proposed opportunity. It is a proposal that is very much in line with our enormous needs and will make it possible to provide services to the population," he said.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Russia Gifts Burundi State-Of-The-Art Mobile Laboratory for Its Healthcare System
Dr. Somsé stressed that one of the principles of the President of the Republic was to "accelerate universal health coverage."

"And so it is an appropriate solution to bring to the rural areas technologies that are only at the level of Bangui," the minister explained. "For us, it is very important if Russia can find solutions with us that allow us to implement this in accordance with our economy," he noted.

The mobile units will be supplied by the Russian company Prof Polymed. In May, the firm signed an agreement to supply this type of equipment to Kenya.