Russian Navy Should Increase Combat Potential in Strategically Important Regions, Putin Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - It is necessary to qualitatively increase the combat potential of the Russian navy in strategically important areas of the world ocean, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
Threats against Russia should be taken seriously, and adequate responses need to be planned in advance, along with the strengthening of the armed forces and the navy, Putin said at a meeting on shipbuilding.

"As you know, the Decree on naval activities until 2030 set clear guidelines, namely, to comprehensively develop the Russian navy, including ship, aviation and coastal components, basing infrastructure, strengthen its position in strategically important areas of the world ocean, and qualitatively increase combat potential," Putin said.

The Russian navy needs to be protected from long-range missile attacks, the president underlined, adding that Russia needs to develop remote threat detection systems, including one using drones.

"We all understand the increasing degree of geopolitical tension in the modern world; we hear regular threats against Russia from the elites of a number of countries and even see concrete actions to implement these threats. Naturally, we must take this as seriously as possible, calculate all the possible risks and plan adequate responses, strengthen our armed forces and navy," he noted.