Global South Pole

Africa's Battle Against Climate Change

Despite contributing the least to global greenhouse gas emissions, Africa faces the most severe impacts of the climate change crisis. While efforts are being made to address environmental challenges, more urgent action is needed to protect the continent's people, ecosystems, and economic development.
The environmental issues facing Africa stem from its historical relationship with external forces, particularly colonial powers, Nnimmo Bassey, Director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation based in Nigeria, tells Global South Pole.

“The environmental challenges confronting Africa today can be traced back to the sort of relationship that has gone on between the continent and forces from outside the continent, particularly the colonial relationship, which was mostly extractive in nature, extraction of resources: both human and natural resources. And this was done and is still being done today with very little concern about the environmental health, about the welfare, or the well-being of the people,” the activist stresses.

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