Sub-Saharan Africa
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African Union Approves New Security Mission in Somalia

For many years, Al-Shabaab has been a persistent source of insecurity in Somalia. Since 2007, the terrorist group has been in conflict with the Somali government, the African Union Mission in Somalia, and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).
The African Union (AU) has approved a new security mission in Somalia, as stated in an official communique.
The mission will replace the AU's transitional mission in Somalia, ATMIS, which will end in December this year. The decision was made at the request of the Somali government, which needs AU support to repel an incipient offensive by forces of the extremist al-Shabaab group*.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Somalia's Army Strikes a Major Blow to Al-Shabaab, Killing 30 Terrorists
On June 16, the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) transferred control of the Barire military base to Somali security forces, marking the third phase of troop reduction.
Al-Shabaab is a Somalia-based jihadist militant group linked to the al-Qaeda* terrorist group. It wages an armed insurgency against the Somali government and obstructs UN humanitarian missions in the country.
* Terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries.