Russia to Raise Topic of New Global 'Security Equation' at July 16 UNSC Meeting, Envoy Says

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Russia will raise the topic of a just world order and a new global "security equation" at a UN Security Council meeting on July 16, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzya told Sputnik.
The envoy added that there is a high demand in the international community for a strategic discussion about the future of the world order.
"We would like to propose discussing what the parameters of a truly fair world order, in which the interests of all states are taken into account, should be, the possible contribution of the UN to its construction, ways to restore an atmosphere of trust and constructive cooperation in the world organization, as well as a possible new global 'security equation,'" Nebenzya said.
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Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is expected to chair the UN Security Council meetings on July 16 and 17.
"We expect both meetings – on July 16 and 17 – to be chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov," Nebenzya said.
Nebenzya added that the Russian permanent mission scheduled for July 17 open debates in the Middle East settlement.