Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Iraq, Jordan Withdraw Their Signatures From Joint Communique Following Ukraine Conference

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Iraq and Jordan were excluded from the list of countries that signed the joint communiqué following the Swiss-hosted summit on Ukraine, reducing the number of those who supported the document to 77 out of 91 participants, according to the list of signatory countries at the end of the document.
Thus, the number of countries that took part in the conference but did not sign the communiqué increased from 12 to 14. In addition to Iraq and Jordan, Brazil, India, South Africa, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Libya, Mexico, and Thailand did not sign the document.
Switzerland hosted a high-level conference on Ukraine at the Buergenstock resort outside of Lucerne from June 15-16. Russia did not receive an invitation to the summit and would not have attended it, Vladimir Khokhlov, the spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Bern, told Sputnik in April.