Sub-Saharan Africa
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Tanzania Experiences 41% Increase in Meat Exports While Leather Sector Sees Decline, Media Says

According to media reports, on Thursday, Tanzania's Minister of State in the President's Office, Kitila Mkumbo, revealed in his address to the country's parliament that the government would review the process of selling agricultural, livestock, and forestry products in order to streamline and facilitate business operations in rural areas.
Tanzania experienced a 41% increase in meat exports while the leather sector saw a decline, the country's 2023 State of the Economy report said, as per the media.
The country's meat exports in 2023 amounted to 14,701 tonnes worth $86.3 million, which is over 4,200 tonnes more in comparison with 2022, according to the report.

"The increase in meat exports was due to improved business and investment environments as well as strengthened meat markets in countries such as Hong Kong, Vietnam, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Oman, Jordan, Bahrain, Kenya, and Comoros," the report said.

Sub-Saharan Africa
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However, there was a decline in the country's leather exports, with 4,933 tonnes of leather pieces exported in 2023 and 7,472 tonnes exported in 2022, the report noted.

"This decline was caused by some traders halting leather exports to Nigeria due to the general elections in that country, which accounts for over 90 percent of Tanzania's leather exports," the report was cited.

During his speech to parliament on Thursday, Tanzania's Minister Mkumbo announced that the government would be reevaluating the sale processes for agricultural, livestock, and forestry products. This initiative aims to simplify and enhance business activities in rural communities.