Sub-Saharan Africa
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Niger Shuts Down Pipeline Transporting Its Oil to Port of Seme in Benin

This decision came shortly after the arrest in Benin of five Nigeriens accused of fraudulently entering the terminal of the Benin-Niger pipeline. Niamey said they were on an official mission to monitor and control the loading of Nigerien crude.
The leadership of Niger has decided to shut down the pipeline that transports the landlocked West African country's oil to the port of Seme in Benin for export to the world market.
The leader's decision was prompted by suspicions that Niger's crude is being stolen in the neighboring country, according to Niger's oil minister, Mahaman Moustapha Barke.
"We cannot sit back and watch our oil being stolen by others because we are not present where it is loaded," the minister said, as quoted by local media.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger Bans Benin From Transporting Its Cargo From Togo
Barke specified that the closure would remain in effect "until Benin and Wapco reach an agreement so that Niger can be present at the loading and control what is being loaded."