
International Russian Language Day Celebrated in Ethiopia

The Russian Language Day is celebrated annually on June 6, which coincides with the birthdate of the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, a key figure in the development of the Russian literary language. It was established by the United Nations in 2010 to promote the Russian language and its rich cultural heritage worldwide.
June 6 is the birthday of the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, also known as the sun of Russian poetry and considered the creator of the modern literary Russian language.
The Russian Language Day, which is twinned with this date, is included in the international calendar of important dates of the United Nations, as the Russian Ambassador in Addis Ababa emphasized in his speech.

"I would like to emphasize the growing interest in our language in Ethiopia. There is a demand for learning Russian among young people who plan to study at Russian universities. The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Addis Ababa is currently meeting this need," Evgeny Terekhin added.

The event took place on the platform of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
Check out Sputnik Africa's photo gallery from the Russian Language Day celebrations in Ethiopia!
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Russian language festival in Ethiopia

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Russian language festival in Ethiopia

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Russian language festival in Ethiopia

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Russian language festival in Ethiopia

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Russian language festival in Ethiopia

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Russian language festival in Ethiopia